Board of Directors

Mary Beth Jacoby

Mary Beth Jacoby graduated from the Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law in 1987 and then joined the Central Intelligence Agency. During her 30 year career, she and her family were posted to three countries in Africa and one country in South America. In addition to her job, she was a member of the CIA choral group, the Keynotes, which performed for memorial services, holiday concerts, and retirement ceremonies. She was also a member of an informal Human Trafficking Working Group. After retirement in 2017, Mary Beth volunteered for the Jane Goodall Institute and Reset 180. She is currently a volunteer for Hostage US; Love 146; and the University of Maryland’s Support Advocacy, Freedom, Empowerment (SAFE) Center.

“I am interested in serving on Amara Legal Center’s Board of Directors because Amara provides critical legal assistance to victims of human trafficking who are vulnerable and have no resources of their own. I am a firm believer in the need to expunge criminal records for people who have violated laws through fraud, force or coercion. They have experienced severe trauma and desperately need legal and social services to reclaim their life and dignity. To me, human trafficking is an issue with no gray areas; it is abhorrent on every level.”